FICHE AMENDEMENT Proposition d'amendement à l'Article : III-167
Draft treaty provision, Proposal for an amendment
European Convention 2002-2003
Ireland/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; Germany/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; National Parliaments/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; France/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; European Parliament, EP/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; Lithuania/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; Romania/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; Committee of the Regions, CoR/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; Luxembourg/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003; Austria/Representative to the Convention 2002-2003
French, English
Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) >> Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
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