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Annexes - in RAPPORT sur la demande d'adhésion du Royaume de Norvège à l'Union européenne, Commission des affaires étrangères et de la sécurité - Rapporteur: M. Jepsen - Dorie
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Annexes - in RAPPORT sur la demande d'adhésion du Royaume de Norvège à l'Union européenne, Commission des affaires étrangères et de la sécurité - Rapporteur: M. Jepsen
European Parliament, EP; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Institutional Affairs ; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Energy, Research and Technology; European Parliament, EP/Committee on agriculture, fisheries and rural development; European Parliament, EP/Committee on culture, youth, education and the media; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Transport and Tourism, TRAN; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Development and Co-operation; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment; European Parliament, EP/Committee on women's rights; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Budgets; European Parliament, EP/Committee on external economic relations; European Parliament, EP/Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities
Enlargement >> Different accession waves >> 1994 Enlargement (Austria, Sweden, Finland, [Norway])

Enlargement >> Norway

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