Een officiële website van de Europese UnieEen officiële website van de EU


Documentation & Research on the European Institutional matters
National and European parliamentarians make joint appeal for substance of constitutional treaty to be maintained - Strengthening subsidiarity and watchdog role of national parliaments - Dorie
Dorie Details Actions Portlet
OP Portal - Dorie - Card - Details
National and European parliamentarians make joint appeal for substance of constitutional treaty to be maintained - Strengthening subsidiarity and watchdog role of national parliaments
Intergouvernementele conferentie, IGC/Lissabon
Luxemburg/Nationaal Parlement; Italië; Malta; Italië/nationaal parlement; Malta/Nationaal Parlement; Luxemburg
Flexibiliteit >> Flexibiliteitsconcepten (Concentrische cirkels — externe samenwerking — differentiatie — variabele geometrie — harde kern)

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