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Judgment of the Court in Case C-632/20 P | Spain v Commission - The Court annuls the Commission’s decision allowing Kosovo to participate in the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (Source: Court of Justice of the European Union website) - Dorie
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Judgment of the Court in Case C-632/20 P | Spain v Commission - The Court annuls the Commission’s decision allowing Kosovo to participate in the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (Source: Court of Justice of the European Union website)
Comunicat de presă
Curtea de Justiție, CoJ
Agenții >> Agenții descentralizate >> Agenția de Sprijin pentru Organismul Autorităților Europene de Reglementare în Domeniul Comunicațiilor Electronice (Oficiul OAREC)

Curtea de Justiție >> Competență >> General

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cp230011en.pdf 124 KB
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