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Contribution by Ms Evelin Lichtenberger, Mr John Gormley, Mr Neil MacCormick, Ms Marie Nagy, Mr Danny Pieters and Ms Renée Wagener, alternate members of the Convention, and Mr Johannes Voggenhuber, member of the Convention : "Establishing Sustainability and Protection of the Environment in the future Treaty" - Dorie
Dorie Details Actions Portlet
OP Portal - Dorie - Card - Details
Hele teksten
Contribution by Ms Evelin Lichtenberger, Mr John Gormley, Mr Neil MacCormick, Ms Marie Nagy, Mr Danny Pieters and Ms Renée Wagener, alternate members of the Convention, and Mr Johannes Voggenhuber, member of the Convention : "Establishing Sustainability and Protection of the Environment in the future Treaty"
Europæisk konvention 2002-2003
Østrig/repræsentant ved konventionen 2002-2003; Belgien/repræsentant ved konventionen 2002-2003; Luxembourg/repræsentant ved konventionen 2002-2003; Europa-Parlamentet, EP/repræsentant for konventet 2002-2003; Nationale parlamenter/repræsentant for konventet 2002-2003; Irland/repræsentant ved konventionen 2002-2003
Europæisk projekt >> Generelle

Traktater >> Revision af traktaterne

Unionens fremtid >> Generelle

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