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Documentation & Research on the European Institutional matters
EC-USSR Agreement - Rapporteur : Mrs Ranzio-Plath (SOC/D) - in EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS - Summary Record of the meetings of 01/02/1990 and 02/02/1990 - Dorie
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OP Portal - Dorie - Card - Details
EC-USSR Agreement - Rapporteur : Mrs Ranzio-Plath (SOC/D) - in EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS - Summary Record of the meetings of 01/02/1990 and 02/02/1990
Verbale della riunione
Parlamento europeo, PE; Parlamento europeo, PE/commissione per le relazioni economiche esterne
Accordi internazionali >> Partecipazione del Parlamento europeo

Parlamento europeo >> Ruolo e poteri del Parlamento europeo

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