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Documentation & Research on the European Institutional matters
Addition to Article 151(3) of the TEC concerning the Rules of Procedure of the Council - in CONSOLIDATED DRAFT TREATY TEXTS . as amended following the meeting of IGC Representatives on 26/05/1997 - 28/05/1997 . to be further examined on 05/06/1997 - 06/06/1997 with a view to presenting the draft Treaty for Amsterdam - Dorie
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Addition to Article 151(3) of the TEC concerning the Rules of Procedure of the Council - in CONSOLIDATED DRAFT TREATY TEXTS . as amended following the meeting of IGC Representatives on 26/05/1997 - 28/05/1997 . to be further examined on 05/06/1997 - 06/06/1997 with a view to presenting the draft Treaty for Amsterdam
Abbozz ta’ dispożizzjoni tat-trattat
Konferenza intergovernattiva, IGC/Amsterdam
Konferenza Intergovernattiva, IGC/Amsterdam
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00000002.pdf 378 KB
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