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Opening remarks by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Michel following the meeting of the European Council of 26 October 2023 - Dorie
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Opening remarks by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Michel following the meeting of the European Council of 26 October 2023
Fala, Declaração
A ajuda humanitária

Ambiente >> Alterações climáticas

Concorrência >> Geral

Justiça e Assuntos Internos (JAI) >> Asilo

Justiça e Assuntos Internos (JAI) >> Imigração

Justiça e Assuntos Internos (JAI) >> Luta contra o racismo e a xenofobia

Orçamento >> União Aduaneira

Política Europeia de Segurança e de Defesa (PESD) >> Geral

Política Externa e de Segurança Comum (PESC) >> Geral


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Opening_remarks_by_President_von_der_Leyen_EUCO_26_10.pdf 36 KB
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