Ste na enem od uradnih spletišč EUSte na uradnem spletišču EU


Documentation & Research on the European Institutional matters
DRAFT REPORT on the participation of the regions in the process of European integration - the composition of the committee of The Regions - Rapporteur : Mario Melis - Dorie
Dorie Details Actions Portlet
OP Portal - Dorie - Card - Details
V celoti
DRAFT REPORT on the participation of the regions in the process of European integration - the composition of the committee of The Regions - Rapporteur : Mario Melis
Poročilo, Resolucija, Izjava
Evropski parlament, EP, Evropski parlament, Evropski parlament/Odbor za regionalno politiko, regionalno načrtovanje in odnose z regionalnimi in lokalnimi oblastmi
Odbor regij (OR) >> Sestava

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