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Documentation & Research on the European Institutional matters
MINUTES of the 2297th meeting of the Commission held in Brussels (Berlaymont) on Wednesday 29 May 2019 - Dorie
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MINUTES of the 2297th meeting of the Commission held in Brussels (Berlaymont) on Wednesday 29 May 2019
Zapisnik sestanka
Komisija >> Delovanje Komisije >> Upravna struktura

Proračun >> Finančna perspektiva

Širitev >> Bosna in Hercegovina

Širitev >> Splošno

Temeljne pravice >> Pristop k Evropski konvenciji o človekovih pravicah

Priloženi dokumenti

PV_2019_2297_F1_COMMISSION_MINUTES_EN_V3_P1_1037262.pdf 707 KB
Publication Viewer

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