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Documentation & Research on the European Institutional matters
DRAFT REPORT on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Institute for Gender Equality for the financial year 2020 (2021/2129(DEC)) (Source: EP website) - Dorie
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DRAFT REPORT on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Institute for Gender Equality for the financial year 2020 (2021/2129(DEC)) (Source: EP website)
Evropski odbor regij, Osnutek sklepa, Poročilo
Evropski parlament, Evropski parlament/Odbor za proračunski nadzor, CONT
Agencije >> Decentralizirane agencije >> Evropski inštitut za enakost spolov (EIGE)

Proračun >> Proračunski nadzor

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CONT_PR_698970_EN.pdf 171 KB
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